Tuesday, August 2, 2011

10 Thoughts on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

I know I'm forever late on this recap/review, but I wanted to make sure that everyone on the planet had seen the movie by now, so I'm guessing since it has hit a billion, I can rest assure that this will not be a spoiler for anyone. NOTE: If your current address is 111 Boulder Underside, then this may actually be a spoiler for you. Sorry but I can't help it if you suck.

1.Yaaayyy! All hail the return of Seamus, Dean Thomas and Neville! These guys are the ones that were kicking butt, taking names and starting their own Hogwarts Underground Railroad. They also provided some good laughes. Good job boys!

2. Snapes death has always been controversial, and it seemed even more so when details were given that the scene in the movie would be different from the book. The movie version seemed a lot more painful and sad. I think they did the scene justice but they didn't do Snape justice in the series. They didn't build it better in the previous movies. This scene would have meant much more if the previous movies better built Snape's past with Lily. I think they tried to make up for it in the flashback (which was really good) but it seemed too little, too late.

3. Where the hell was KREACHER?!?! He's my FAVORITE and he was nowhere to be seen. They give that wierdo Jar Jar Binks Dobby all this prior pointless screen time, yet when it comes to a character that really makes plot moves in the book, he gets cut out of the movie. Shame on you, WB!

4. One of the more disappointing parts of the movie was Neville's big scene, when he kills Nagini (the last horcrux). In the book, it was by far my favorite part of Deathly Hallows, yet it seemed too rushed in the movie. They took Neville's shinning moment away from him. At the end of reading Deathly Hallows, I liked Neville more than I liked Harry Potter. That's how awesome it was in the book!!!!

5. When Harry "dies" and goes to "Platform 9 3/4 Heaven" we finally get to see Voldi roadkill baby grossing it up under a bench, and I must say that Voldi roadkill baby is10 times uglier than what I imagined he/it would look like. I think by then I was referencing what the goo sperm baby looked like in Goblet of Fire, but no, this was...just...birthed by a cow.

6. I miss Billy Nighy.

7. What about that kiss, eh?

8. There was a lot of death in this movie but you didn't really notice it.  The deaths of Lupin, Tonks and one of the twins (hardly matters which one) seemed like a bit of an afterthought. Nearly forgettable, yet it seemed like something that stuck with people more after reading DH. I'm not sure how it could have been better but I definitely wasn't steaming up my glasses with those scenes.

9. The ending (last 2 minutes) was sort of awful. The trio standing alone on a pile of rubble once called Hogwarts, was a bit cheesy. Emma Watson made it even more awkward. It looked posed, like they were waiting for a school bus or something.

10. The epilogue was cute. I wish Ginny didn't look so boring and Draco didn't look bloated, but either than that I thought everybody looked fair to age. Nice ending to the series.

Side Note: Although I hate 3D movies and I feel that they are enormously predudice against 4-eyed folk like myself (who still wear glasses because contacts are scary), I thought the Potter 3D glasses was BRILLANT! I kept my pair and my boyfriends. Too cool.

1 comment:

  1. Yes what about Kreacher!!! Also the deaths of the others were way better in the book.
