Thoughts on In Time:
Plot: In the not-so-distant future, but not in the future that has transportation devices like the Millennium Falcon, people have to buy time or stop aging at 25 (you either kill over dead or turn to Buffy vamp dust, your choice). Will Salas (played by Justin Timberlake) is a regular joe who somehow gets a lot of time that he didn’t pay for by singin' and dancin', or being cougar bait. When stormtroopers the corrupt police force of the future find out , Will has to go on the run to save his life.
Justin Timberlake-You know how everyone has been missing good ole singin’ and dancin’, SexyBack JT? Well you ain’t gonna get that here because he hates giving his fans what they want, but you could get something that could be close. Watch the trailer to In Time, while listening to some JT. It’s like watching a new music video but with a song you already know the words to. Classic JT.
Amanda Seyfried-She is not worth looking forward to, because after seeing her in like 10 movies, I still am not sure how I feel about her. And that is not a good thing. But, she does have a different hair cut in this movie, so that could be nice, because she usually looks like a scary doll child.
Cillian Murphy-Looks like a ghost. And ghosts are scary.
Action/Thriller-This genre has lacked lately in the interesting department. This spin on a time thriller sounds exciting but could easily suffer from an underwhelming cast. But who’s to say, this could totally turn into a Michael Cera recap, where you predict the movie will suck but when you actually see it you sort of cock your head to the side and say, “that wasn’t too bad.”
And if all fails, you can slip your headphones on halfway through the movie and listen to SexyBack while JT jumps over 6 cars with fire blazing in the background. SWEET!
In Time hits theater October 28th
Justin always brings the sexy!!!